Chrissy & Co

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The foundation to a successful design project

Finding the right designer is crucial, it is so important that there is a natural flow of communication and good 'chemistry'. Ensuring that your designer values your ideas and is willing to put aside their personal design biases is essential. However, even with the best interior designer with the warmest of personalities, there are people who just don't have the personality well suited for the interior design process. 

Thankfully, my career has given me many amazing memories of clients who I have adored working with, some having blossomed into friendships. However, in my seven years, I have had a few clients slip 'under the radar' so to speak.

Having recently experienced a client who committed what I like to call 'A Series of Design Etiquette Sins', I decided to write a list of essential characteristics for prospective clients.

1. Honesty: It amazes me that I have to list this as a deal-breaker but there are people out there that have no reservations about asking for services that they have no intention of paying for. Even with a design contract, some people will go out of their way to try and find loopholes or will downright 'pull one over' to avoid paying for rendered services.

2. Respectfulness: Respect is essential for any relationship which is why it is essential that when working with a professional that you respect them as such. A good designer will take the time to really listen to their client’s vision and make them feel heard, likewise a good client will take the time to hear what their designer is saying. Sure, everyone understands having to take an occasional call now and again but making a habit of answering your phone or sending emails while in a design meeting is a disservice to you and your designer. Not only are you likely to miss essential details in the meeting, but you are also indirectly sending a message to your designer that you don't value their time or respect what they have to say.

3. Courteous: You can't call your designer at all hours of the night,  ask to reschedule your appointment the day of or show up terribly sick to a meeting and expect that your designer will want to go the extra mile and call you back on a Sunday morning when you're in crisis. Common courtesy is essential in maintaining a great relationship for both designer and client (or any relationship for that matter).

4. Open-Minded: One of the most fundamental benefits of working with a designer is to have someone open you up to new ideas. If you are completely fixated on what you want and are not receptive to change, you will likely hate the interior design process. A good designer is supposed to challenge you to some extent and if they don't always agree with your ideas, it's not a personal attack, they are just doing their job.  There is no point in hiring a professional interior designer if you are not open to new ideas.

Creating beautiful interiors is easy but only when there is a cohesive relationship between designer and client. Mutual respect and an open line of communication are essential in any relationship.  I like to think that #1-#3 is on everyone’s list of required characteristics for any harmonious relationship but #4 is an absolute necessity for anyone who is thinking about working with an interior designer.

The clients that I have been the fondest over the years are lovely people with open minds who know how to communicate. Having a sense of humor is also a plus as it makes weathering any challenges that can arise when building or renovating more enjoyable for all involved. Interior design is a glamorous and sometimes messy line of work but.  Beautiful Interior design is not just a destination, it's a journey and should be enjoyed in good company.

Vancouver Interior designer

As a full-service interior design firm in Vancouver, we are able to help facilitate your design from concept to completion.

To schedule a complimentary meet and greet at our studio, or to book an onsite consultation, give us a call at 604-564-0404 or contact us online!