Discover your interior design style

Vancouver Interior Design Chrissy & Co By Interior Designer Chrissy Cottrell

It’s not uncommon for people to get overwhelmed when trying to nail down their interior design style. For most, translating one’s personal tastes into their home decor is not an easy task.

If there is one nugget of advice that I could give anyone who is venturing through the journey of home decor, it would be to make an exceptional wish list.

Sure it’s important to list what items you already have your heart set on, be it a velvet sofa or a crystal chandelier; but an exceptional wish list goes far beyond the tangible easy purchases. In addition to ‘things’, it is a list of places and experiences that you would acquire if you had absolutely no restrictions. Likewise, also include items and experiences that you’ve already acquired and cherish (regardless of how insignificant they may seem).

Here are some sample questions to consider when setting the stage for your story:

  • If you could meet any celebrity (time travel acceptable) who would it be? Winston Churchill, Grace Kelly …

  • If you could travel for a couple of months, where would you go? Paris, Italy, Morocco…

  • What pair of shoes have you fallen in love with lately? Manolo Blahnik’s, Todd’s, Saint Laurent…

  • What textures really get you going? Silk, velvet, vintage leathers…

  • What is your drink of choice? Old fashioned, bubbles, gimlet …

  • What are some of your signature pieces? Pearl earrings, your Italian timepiece, your Prada bag…

  • What is your signature scent? Chanel, Diptyque, Chloe…

These are just some sample questions that I like to use when getting to know my clients better. Greatness is in the details and these very details add up to the sum of who you are. Your personal taste in food, fashion, travel, etc all play a distinctive roll in your personality and personal aesthetic.

So, should you want to create your own inspiration board for your home decor project, instead of spending hours on Houzz or browsing home decor magazines, ask yourself some personal questions? Make a vision board that reflects your preferences and desires. A home designed to emulate this will be far more nourishing to the soul and tell a better story than the pretty house you found on Pinterest.

Your home is the stage used to tell your story; I like to see it as a visual autobiography. An interior designer is someone who creates beautiful spaces, I consider myself to be more than that. I am somewhat of a ghostwriter for people’s interiors; where my job is to create spaces that tell peoples stories, allowing them to live more beautifully through self-expression.

Vancouver Interior designer

As a full-service interior design firm in Vancouver, we are able to help facilitate your design from concept to completion.

To schedule a complimentary meet and greet at our studio, or to book an onsite consultation, give us a call at 604-616-0605 or contact us online!